Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they really are."....Malcom S Forbes

A hobby should be all about fun and enjoyment. I have done my breeding for the year... just as I thought. To me, breeding ranchus is a money losing game. Even before I had my first spawn, I had done my math..."there is no money in ranchu breeding". Passionate hobbyists breed because of that "grey matters" in their brain that urge them, put their energy into overdrive..... drive them mad to tinker again and again just to see whether they can breed better specimens that thrill them no end and yet not satisfied even when they succeed or fail to keep on doing it again and again. Just like Freddie Mercury ....

"If I had to do it again, yes, why not, why not. I'd do it slightly differently."

Serious ranchu breeding is a long journey of self discovery...a journey that seems to have no end in sight. When one improve, there are always so many other attributes that also need improving. Serious ranchu breeding cannot be learned overnight nor can it be shared over a simple cup of drinks by fellow hobbyists. To breed good ranchus entail many disciplines and much preparations and thoughts have to be continously explored, noted and experimented during the course of ranchu husbandry. Unless one breed and get their hands dirtied then can one understand serious ranchu breeding. It is very disturbing to see self appointed "Master" spouting deprecating and sweeping remarks about the quality of our local breeding standard without even spawning a batch of ranchu fries before and not to say whether can recognise fertilized eggs or even recognising whether a picture is a ranchu fry or a butterfly....simply baffling!!

Like one very good student of ranchu and somebody quietly respected in the small ranchu community in Singapre repeatedly remind fellow hobbyist friends on their individual ranchu his words...

"If you wanna share or teach another fellow hobbyist...make sure what you share or teach is something you have done and understand and not from heresaid and unfounded."

Some new spawns I am having right now....



  1. Oh wow, sooo many ranchu fry!! I've only found 1 place in the US near me that sells them...but for $15/ea I'm not sure how bad I want them.

  2. Hi here many US ranchu keepers

    Saw your blog...your guppies are quality stuffs.
