The chef had no answer other than he had always done it this way and he always just taste his ham for proof. The questioner would not relent and formed hypothesis of his own ...... "was it the bone or some other gland that was removed? or maybe it let the juices out..." The questioner reason back and forth looking for a reason the chef would agree to until the chef grew tired and dismissed him. In a moment of reflection, the chef became troubled that he could not answer why the ham was better when he cut off the end.....he is a great chef and had to be right for his own self worth. As the day went on, this began to bother him more and more. He searched his memory to discover how he knew this unarguable fact. He reflected as to where he learned this until finally it dawned upon him that he was taught this by his mother. He called his mother to ask her why the ham tasted better when the end was cut off. To this the mother replied....what are you talking about? I cut the end off the ham because I did not have a pot big enough to cook it in and that was the only way to make it fit(Story was shared by an American hobbyist)
Lotsa time as we play ranchu, we follow what was passed down from friends, from the nets etc etc etc and over times we become creature of our own habits..... we become routine keepers and dare not experiment to improve our skills. Below I share a video of one of my recent spawn where I try to make a 3 pivot tail split into a 4 pivot is for my learning/sharing experience....enjoy

The reason for using a nail file is....
A fused tail have a thick center bone that fused the left and right lobe of the tail in the center whereby where there used to be a split, the tail is joined. By filing the thick bone in the middle, I am trying to thin it out so that the tip of the tail in the middle will eventually split up. I heard it will fuse back again...hope to see and experience it myself.
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