Hanajima San studied in America, keep a home in Florida and travel frequently from his business/home in Bangkok to Japan and USA. As it was a short visit, there was not much that I can enquire and learn from Hanajima San...I really like to understand the relationship and kinship between the various breeders and Hanajima San will be a great educator on that.
The ranchu farm is situated on the upper floor of the hotel car park...unique and easily accesible through the hotel lobby. Contrary to what I was told, I find the concrete ponds well kept and all the fishes very healthy. Hanajima is hands-on and know all his fishes and he shared some great photos of his import collections.
Ranchu farm on upper floor of the hotel carpark

My three group of fries ran into serious trouble over the weekend. Last Friday had a miscommunication of instructions to my son and he poured all the live daphnia to feed the fries. Came home later in the evening and all the fries floating and by Sunday morning the three groups of fries were down with severe costia. Costia is very fast in bringing down fries and the parisites is very potent causing lots of flashing and some fries even keep on flipping over. Salt and acriflavinne doesn't help and I have to resort to PP to bring the parisites under control...Lost almost 30%...some died and some just not worth salvaging. This is the sad part of being a breeder...its very painful and gut wrenching.....

Nevertheless some more spawns coming up and looking forward to better days.
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