Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ranchu...the early beginning.

When I was deeply involved in German Shepherd, I used to have a bloodline chart of the various bloodlines and how they were all related to the first German shepherd Horand von Grafrath SZ 1
It was a tedious, but immensely enjoyable task to trace all the various bloodlines looking at all the dogs from a genetic perspective and juxtapositioning against the physical pictures and recorded videos(Vcr). That is how I build my framework to really profoundly understand  German Shepherd dog and how to breed them using the acquired knowledge.

In ranchu as many understand, the founding father of modern day ranchu dated 100 odd years ago to the day that Master Ishikawa decided to create ranchu. There wasn't much write up...not in a language as universal as English and I am always searching for more historical background of ranchu and how it was created.
I chanced upon this youtube video and with the kind permission of the owner Yasuo san, I like to share some historical background on the ranchu as shown in the video and the write up that Yasuo san did....